
Sorry guys, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had any time to post. October really was crazy, it was only today that I found some time to breathe and post something. Though the busy-ness would be great in the future, once they get published and I am allowed to post them here.

As part of my food styling and propping practice, I decided to shoot some of the treats for the future site with little props using the stuff I have at home. Thank God for window light and the wood boards I made a few months ago, they really make heaps of difference when I shoot food in my room.

Aside from the wide array of shoots, I also went to school for a certificate course in Restaurant Management. And yes, for the first time, I am an Atenean…temporarily…IΒ  never thought I would ever be one really…Never Say Never!


And aside from school? I’ve been busy with research & development for my new project: The Whole Pet Kitchen. I think I have gotten so obsessed with baking and giving samples away that this would totally make a dent on my future costs…but anyway, I am having lots of fun applying all the things that I’ve learned with my two mentors, Jill Sandique and Jun-jun de Guzman…all the things I know about baking, I know beca

use of them. And it helps me so much in formulating and improving my recipes to get this off the ground sooner than later.


I’ve been focusing so much on the treats that I think I should start going back to the original and more serious part of the project which is pet food. I received a ton of new recipes today from Jack’s vet, Doc Riza, to help me get moving with my “special needs” diet for canines. Yes, this is food…and yes, I want this to be the more scientific end of the project aside from providing my healthy treats. So hopefully, in a few weeks, I can launch the official site and the treats…and then within a few months…the food.


I seem to have put myself in the middle of a ton of work…but I’m still smiling, so I guess I’m doing good.

