I know all the hullabaloo about Supersize me and the like…but who cares.
When I feel sick or stressed, I like to eat McDonalds…I practically grew up with this food since it was available in Greenhills back in the 80’s. One of the worst things about being too adventurous in eating is food poisoning…and for the normal person, they eat things like congee and clear broth hoping to drive their disease away. Today, I looked for a Cheeseburger and a McSpaghetti to replace all the things that came out this morning. And I think I feel better.
Who in our generation wasn’t a McDonald’s kid anyway?

hi! would like to know where you went for a food styling course in philippines, in manila rather.
thank you!
Hi Jap!
We offer this at CACS, i’m just not sure when this year.
LOL! Yes I agree! When I was a kid, I cry whenever I see that big red bee! And on top of that, only a happy meal can appease the tantrums of the toddler that I was. Loooove the memories Mcdo gave me π <3
@Jonver hahaha yeah! Jollibee used to scare the pants out of me. I think I got hit by his butt when I was young at a party.