I really am proud to say that my hands have touched another Nestea promo! Beverage really is pretty exciting especially when your working with these beautiful fake ices (and real ones when you run out!). This was the job that made me realize that I needed lots more fake ice to order to make sure that I have enough for pitcher drinks. The promo is about the “love potions” concocted using Nestea and voting for the best one (yes, there is also a raffle). Nestea always has some fun and quirky games that keep people hooked on their site and facebook daily, thus making the drinks’ consumption more popular than ever!
The day started with me lugging all my stuff up to the studio. It was my first time to work at the grasshopper studio and I had to make a makeshift area for myself, my props and ingredients. I handpicked everything down to the last calamansi. When styling with fruits, you have to make sure that they are as close to the gold standard as possible.
With their recipes, I began making the drinks and putting them in different containers, so that when it was time to shoot, all I had to do was to arrange the ice, the garnishes and condiments, pour the drink and make it look nice and cool. The art director took care of the background and made creative use of the props and items available. Everyone pitched in ideas on how to make each photo look better.
In the end, we came out with a really fun and summery look for all the beverages. π

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