This is one of my favorite snacks in SM hypermaket pasig. It’s called Ellie’s Roasted Calf. You can’t miss it in Taste Asia because they have this funny looking aquarium with a roasted calf piece inside. When this first opened, they used to display giant pieces of roasted calf, today, they usually just have a leg inside their aquarium.
When you order a sandwich, they make everything…cut the vegetables, heat the pan de sal, cut the roast…all of which are worth the wait. The sandwich is basically a large pandesal with onion, tomato, lettuce, their roasted calf and their tangy sweet sour beefy gravy. I love it because it has the mix of all my favorite flavors and of course, roasted calf! I basically like anything roasted and the sandwich adds a gourmet touch. The sandwich is pretty cheap too, only P76.

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