On one of our fun shoots, Mye wanted to shoot ratatouille (why am I not surprised as this girl screams old-Marseilles in her styling). And so, I chopped up the vegetables and very quickly cooked them until their colors changed. Yes, this was edible, but I wasn’t sure if Mye was a veggie eater and so I just offered her the chocolate casserole.
I was supposed to use this as my postcard for this year, but then the printer told me, I had to print out 1,000 pcs or else each postcard would be pretty pricey…what was I going to do with so many postcards of the same picture, I thought…maybe I should look for another printer. We used an old copper saucepan I have at home and a really pretty printed floral cloth care of Mye which totally complemented the already colorful dish and highlighted the copper.

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