Ana took me on a quick drive tour of her old university. But before that, she introduced me to some of her uni friends at their favorite coffee place — Campos Coffee.
Apparently, a lot of places in Sydney serve Campos Coffee…but none like the original because their baristas are just different. Going inside Campos you will realize that you will have to wait in line…which is a great sign for any business…as well as hope to get a seat inside since a whole lot of students and locals are already having their coffee. Everyone moves swiftly, and you will have to know what you want once you get in line!
Ana and her friends ordered an Iced Mocha. This was just like having a dessert rather than coffee. Though you can clearly taste the wonderful roast and deep caramel and almost chocolate-y flavors of this drink, it is quite overwhelming for someone who is not a sweet tooth like me. But for Ana and her friends, they always look forward to this treat when they are in the neighborhood. The whipped cream stood high and proud and most likely full fatΒ creating that melt-in-your-mouth feel as you sip the coffee (yum!).
I got a simple latte because I was already so stuffed from our lunch at the Turkish place. The flavors were subtle and pretty much well balanced. I’m not a coffee connoisseur but I know what I like. So far, my top coffee would be a freshly brewed Vietnamese Trung Nguyen iced coffee. But this comes a welcome and homey second.

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