Went for a short ride to Little Store the other day since it was so traffic and Mig and I were just so hungry. Sorry for the ugly photos, I left my Powershot at home (yet again?!).
What I like about Little Store is that everything is tapas style, or in tiny plates. But what I’ve also noticed is that their prices have gone up! For four dishes and 2 rice, 2 drinks, it nearly costed us P500 smacks…that’s already 2 Angus burgers at Charlie’s with drinks. Thats 2 plates of Korean Chicken BBQ in Seoul Condo. But anyway, it was well worth it for the “new” item we discovered.
My eyes lit up when I heard the saleslady say, “Dinuguan”. I was expecting a black thick soup coming onto the table of the people next to us (yes, I do that too). But to my surprise, it was a clear soup, with blood cubes and innards on it. And it smelled clean too! So I ordered one.
Yes, it was clear. Without that sh** smell I would get a whiff of when I have anything with innards. They washed these guys pretty well. The soup was clean tasting, and yet rich at the same time. The blood was just properly cooked, adding that odd crunchy, jelly-like texture to every soup bite. The innards were heavenly, and they soaked up the broth properly, with again, zero sh** taste OR smell. Delicious! I got a bit light headed, despite the small serving.
We also order our favorite, cold pork ears, which was in a light soy-vinaigrette. It was good. Just like tokwa’t baboy without the tokwa.
We also ordered my favorite Maki-Mi. A thick soup with noodles that’s just a little thinner than udon. The soup is best when it’s hot and thick, because when it starts to cool, it also starts becoming watery. The soup is rich in flavor, like a soft jelly soup with little pork sticks on the side.
Their kikiam was also heavenly since it had nice bits of real meat and not just flour and flavoring. It was almost like a sausage.
Well, as for the pictures, they don’t do as much justice to the way it tastes. Although at P500 with small servings…I don’t really consider this place super affordable, but it still is a good hole-in-the-wall.

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