I had a pretty fun 2 late July weeks with my 3 jobs for Kenny Rogers. My first job were specifically for their new, mod outlet in Rockwell called Kenny’s Roast & Grill. This place has a really urban feel…modern, bright with a “freshness” vibe to it. The last time I was there was during their food tasting in February where they tested their system before their grand opening.
I was a little surprised with some of their new offerings, which is something that you will definitely not find in any typical restaurant…and is something I haven’t styled before — white chocolate and dark chocolate fondue! Thank God for the availability of those fabulous fruits from the supermarket nowadays that I didn’t have any problems finding a good strawberry. What I loved about the fondue concept was that the lighting had to be intricate, because sir Francis wanted to show the natural beauty and flow of the fabulous fountain. What everyone else loved was the fact that it was edible and we had so much white and dark chocolate after the layouts were done. Yum!
The pastry bar layout was definitely something that screamed parts of Delores’ class in my head back in CIA. She always said that when working with baked goods, everything must be even…it is good to have goodies with the same size, shape & color…the wonderful part about styling baked goods was the sorting. I felt like an agent looking through many models to look for the perfect ones for the shoot (as I said,”yung mga pangit, umalis na!”). I also made sure that the layout was interesting via the shapes & lines. I also loved the fact that it didn’t have to look all perfect…but it had to look inviting and just baked.
Next ones were the 3 delicious entrees they had namely the grilled fish, grilled pork and of course, the grilled chicken. To me they looked a little chefy with the square molded rice, which was understandable since their market for KRG are a more upscale crowd. I used to have a stall in Rockwell and I can really attest to this market of healthy but adventurous eaters who are always on the lookout for something fresh, whether it’s a type of food, or a fresh new menu. I am hoping to come by Rockwell to see how they’ve used the pictures, and maybe have a few things to eat.

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