DIY Ultimate Steak “Reborn” Sandwich


I just had a big steak dinner the night before and I kept the leftover steak in the fridge hoping to eat it the next day. It was Sunday and I wasn’t really up for eating the “same old thing” from the night before. I remembered the steak, and it’s a good thing we have a good stock of condiments here (like overstock actually) to make a steak sandwich. I call this sandwich, Steak “reborn” because you really use just some leftover steak and it’s going to taste so different from eating it in it’s usual steak form.


Please pick a nice sturdy bread for this sandwichโ€ฆI used a wholewheat bread for this one that had crunch and softness in the center. A baguette would workโ€ฆmaybe a toasted pan de sal might also be good but you have to toast it to be firm enough to hold the sandwich…or you can make 2!


Steak Reborn Sandwich

1 pc leftover steak, sliced
4 bacon rashers
3 tbsp onions, salted, washed and squeezed
a firm bread
sliced cheese (if it could still fit)
japanese mayo
good mustard
some pieces of dill pickles

your chosen bread, toasted till golden brown or crusty at the very least

1. in a pan, over medium heat, lay the bacon rashers and add some water. cook until water evaporates and bacon becomes crisp. set aside

2. in the same pan (if you like bacon fat), heat the steak slices and set aside.

3. now build your sandwich — spread some mayo and mustard on the bread, lay the steak on the bread, then the bacon, then the pickles, then the onions and tomatoes, then the lettuce. lastly, spread some ketchup on the top bread and top it on your sandwichโ€ฆsecure the sandwich with a toothpick or wrap half in wax paper if you want to feed it to guests later.


I was about to go everything-but-the-kitchen sink on this sandwich,but as i found out as I was building it, I couldn’t even fit the cheese in it anymoreโ€ฆI was a little ambitious hoping to stuff an egg on it, but I guess I’ll have to reserve that for a triple decker sandwich in the futureโ€ฆto share.


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  1. That sandwich looks awesome! I love using leftovers and giving them new life…can’t stand food waste! Filing this idea away for future use ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thanks Joey! I really had to open wide, I should’ve done a triple decker so that I can fit in the cheese and maybe more goodies haha!

  3. It’s my problem with man-sized sandwiches — the bread just can’t hold it. Thanks for the suggestion on having the types of bread you mentioned. Toast the pandesal, why didn’t I think of that?!

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